Making of Prince Charming Ludum Dare #33

About month ago we have made mobile game Prince Charming at Ludum Dare #33. The theme was "You are the monster". We settled on an idea for a game where player must shake his phone (or mouse) to wreck rag-doll character against the screen boundaries.

Much thanks to the team - the game brings joy of torturing little innocent sweet frog to anyone who take peek at it :) I am glad that we had such great feedback. Here is how game looked meanwhile we were creating it.

Ludum Dare entry - Play it!


We made it to Top 5% and 10% in all categories. It was a blast!



End of day 1

Then I watched this masterpiece called "The art of screenshake"

By the end od day 2 half of traps were implemented

and connected to shop that has been done at the same time

That's it! Well spent weekend.
 There will be more of  gamedev stuff soon :)


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